Cedar Hills Blog
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Commercial Zone Revisions

Mon 02 May 2016 code, development

The city is currently revising our zoning and development ordinances for the commercial zone. This post outlines our process to date and shares the current drafts the council will be considering. We would like to hear your feedback if you have any concerns or suggestions.


Commercial Zone Survey

Fri 26 February 2016 code, development

The city is currently revising our zoning and development ordinances for the commercial zone. We recently conducted a survey to collect feedback from our residents regarding what uses they think should be allowed in the commercial zone. Thank you for your input! This article summarizes the results of the survey so you can see what your fellow residents think. We'll be taking this input into consideration as we revise our code.


Revising Our City Code

Thu 28 January 2016 code, development

The city is currently revising our zoning and development ordinances for the commercial zone. We will be collecting extensive public feedback to ensure that the changes reflect resident preferences and protect property rights. The changes will also be reviewed by our legal council to ensure that they meet the requirements of state and federal code. This post summarizes our process to date so that residents can be ready to provide feedback to the planning commission and city council.
